Next Generation Robotics for Norwegian Industry

Launched in 2009, this project aims to develop the next generation robotic technology for Norwegian industry. The project spans five years and has a budget of 36. mill NOK. The project is led by SINTEF ICT Applied Cybernetics and has 8 partners: SINTEF , NTNU, Statoil, Hydro, Tronrud Engineering, Glen Dimplex Nordic, SbSeating (HÅG) and RobotNorge. Project manager is Dr. Svein P. Berge, SINTEF ICT.

To reach the goal, the project will

  • Further develop the competence of Norwegian research communities and participating industries
  • Develop new robotic technology
  • Develop innovative robotic solutions

The project has 4 PhD candidate positions and these are connected to NTNU Department of Engineering Cybernetics and NTNU Department of Production and Quality Engineering.

The project focuses on 4 research areas: 3D object localization, synchronization of robot manipulators, autonomy and hybrid force/motion control. Technology has been developed within all these areas.

A number of concepts have been developed and are based on the developed technology: automated camera platform, grinding of carbon anodes, packing of chair parts in carbon boxes, learning in grasping.

The following videos features robot demonstrations developed as part of the project so far:


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